31 December 2024
7 Best Ways to Make Passive Income

Who really wants to spend the most productive hours of the day working hard for someone else’s dreams? After all, that time could be spent on your own projects or with the people who matter most to you.

We all need money – not necessarily to be rich, but to live comfortably. Sadly, we feel like a loser when we realize that the most important years of our lives were wasted on meaningless activities or for the benefit of other people. 

It is also easy to feel stuck, like life is just one big rat race you cannot escape. As the years go by, that feeling grows and life seems pointless at that point. 

That’s where passive income comes in. 

If you can earn money passively, you do not have to rely on a traditional paycheck anymore. With less effort, you can free up your time to focus on what you care about.

This sounds like the perfect lifestyle right? but getting it is not so easy. 

Another big problem is that this dream often attracts scammers. They know how badly people want financial freedom and take advantage of it to steal money.

A lot of so-called “passive income” opportunities are not really passive. Some require a ton of effort, while others make promises that sound too good to be true.

Why Most “Passive” Income Ideas Are Not Really Passive

If you have tried passive income before, we do not need to inform you that most of the passive income ideas you see online are not passive. 

In fact, they make good money selling their automated business ideas to you. This works well for them, but not for their clients.

Kingsley Capital founder and CEO Aaron Richards can vouch for that. 

He lost almost $100K to so-called automation gurus while trying to build a passive income stream – hoping to retire his wife so she could care for their kids and help cover his father’s overwhelming medical bills.

It was so disappointing since he was desperate to support his family and reach his financial goals. 

His big break came when he met a bunch of well-known Forex traders. They were combining machine learning technology with their expertise to execute the most profitable trades possible. 

We will hear more about Aaron’s passive income success later. For now, we have compiled a list of the best ways to make passive income in 2025.  

7 Best Ways to Make Passive Income

1. Dividend Stocks

When you buy dividend stocks of a company, they share a portion of their profits with you – a shareholder. 

The company is not legally bound to share their earnings this way, but they do this to reward their loyal investors. Only financially stable and well-known companies are known to provide such benefits. 

The best part is that dividend stocks have a great growth potential; i.e., the dividend payouts are increased by many corporations over time. As a result, the extra income helps you cope up with the high inflation rates.  

However, when buying dividend stocks, keep in mind that you should not choose a company simply because they pay dividends. Other important factors like fundamental and technical analysis should get priority to make a sound investment. 

Try to buy dividend stocks from several companies so you do not have to rely on a single stock. 

2. High-Yield Savings Accounts (HYSAs)

The interest rates of traditional savings accounts are not up to par, while High-Yield Savings Accounts have much better returns to offer – about 5%.

When you compare this with the national average of just 0.45%, you realize this is a good investment option. Over time, this difference has a big impact on your savings, especially if you are nearing retirement. 

We recommend that you set up automatic transfers to maximize your savings. This means making arrangements so a part of your paycheck is directly deposited to your HYSA account. You can also use your checking account for regular transfers. 

This is a smart strategy since it simplifies the saving process for you, while also ensuring that your savings will keep growing without involving your daily input. 

What’s more, your interest earnings increase as your balance grows. You get to enjoy compounding benefits when the bank calculates interest on your original deposit plus the interest you already earned. 

3. Treasury Bonds

This is an incredible, low-risk vehicle to generate passive income.

Since these bonds are issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, you have the government backing that your investment is safe and secure over the long haul. 

Although these bonds take 20-30 years to mature, they pay interest in every six months. When you buy T-bonds, the interest rate remains the same throughout the whole term. This gives you peace of mind that you will have a steady income.

We also need to mention their tax advantages.  The interest is exempt from both local and state taxes but is subject to federal income tax. 

Right now, the interest rate of 1-year T-bills is 4.73% and the shorter-term options have higher returns. 

If you have decided to buy T-bonds, we recommend that you directly buy from the site so you do not have to pay extra fees by 3rd-party brokers. 

4. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

We previously mentioned that rental properties are a semi-passive income source because you have to maintain your property regularly, which might require significant time and effort.

However, there is an excellent way to make passive income from this industry without having to bear the landlord responsibilities – Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).

As an investor, you buy and sell these trusts just like stocks. By law, it is compulsory for these trusts to distribute a minimum of 90% of their earnings to the shareholders. As a result, you have access to regular dividends.

REITs come in many types, each catering to a different real estate sector. For example, residential REITs usually invest in rental houses and apartment complexes while retail REITs prefer shopping malls.

If you want more flexibility, you have the opportunity to invest in ETF REITs or mutual fund REITs. These funds help reduce risk by holding a diversified portfolio of multiple REITs where they spread your investment across different properties and sectors.

5. Certificate of Deposit (CDs)

With Certificate of Deposits, you lock your funds for a specific period of time, which ranges from a couple of months to several years. This is unlike regular savings accounts that provide you access to the fund whenever you want.

Since you are making a long-term commitment, banks reward you by offering higher interest rates compared to traditional savings accounts. The interest rate increases with the length of the term.

One of the main benefits of CDs is that they are low-risk. The money you put in a CD is insured up to $250,000 by the FDIC (for banks) or the NCUA (for credit unions). As a result, if the bank or credit union gets into trouble, your money is still safe and protected.

We consider it as a passive income source because once you create a CD account, you do not have to monitor the market for price fluctuations and make adjustments.

Also, since there is a fixed interest rate throughout the duration of the term, you will have a clear idea about how much you will earn when the CD matures.

However, there are early withdrawal penalties to worry about. 

6. Cash-Secured Puts

Cash-secured puts are a strategy in options trading where you agree to buy a stock at a certain price (called the strike price) if the option buyer decides to sell it before the option expires. In exchange for this commitment, you receive a payment (called the premium) from the buyer.

The “cash-secured” part means that you need to have enough money in your account to buy the stock if the buyer chooses to sell it to you.

Whenever you sell a put option, you earn the premium, and you get to keep it no matter what happens. This gives you a steady income even if the stock never drops to the strike price and you do not have to buy the stock.

The main risk is that if the stock price falls below the strike price, you may be required to buy the stock. However, since you keep the premium, you get the stock at a lower price. 

Your maximum loss is limited to the amount of money you set aside to buy the stock, minus the premium you received.

7. Kingsley Capital’s Automated Trading Network

At Kingsley Capital, we are making $25K per month with private trading networks.

This is a total passive income stream for you. All it requires from you is creating an account, funding it, and then just sit back and relax.

In the meantime, our top-tier trades get to work and generate profits from the Forex market for you and for themselves.

Just like other passive income sources listed above, you need some money upfront to leverage its benefits. If you are looking for passive income without investment, this won’t work for you.

As an investor, you do not really know the intricacies of our trading strategies. Still, since we prioritize transparency, we will explain it all to you. 

What are Private Trading Networks?

As said before, when searching for a real passive income source, KC’s founder and CEO Aaron Kingsley Richards came across some elite traders – a mastermind group that discovered they could take their profit margin to another level leveraging the power of machine learning.

You might be wondering, who are these traders? 

They are some of the world’s most renowned Forex traders who work only for high-net-worth individuals (HNWI) or hedge funds, banks, and other financial institutions.  

They prefer keeping their identities private so there is no conflict of interest, hence the name “Private Trading Network.”

Since they are affiliated with the big players in the market, they do not welcome small investors in their group.  

That was the case until Aaron was able to join their exclusive network and convinced them to found Kingsley Capital (KC) – where other individual investors could profit from their tactics and achieve financial freedom. 

Aaron’s Journey to Passive Income Success

Aaron’s Journey

Aaron grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, and started his professional life as a guidance counsellor. 

Within a few years, he was blessed with a six-figure remuneration, a loving wife and two wonderful kids, and a financially comfortable life. 

He thought that was it – the dream life he had been longing for all these years.

However, at one point, his busy schedule made him crave for more family time. Things got worse when his father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and began requiring around $20K per month for medical care. 

He knew only passive income could afford him free time while helping grow his investment portfolio.

He decided to try some automation programs and questionable cryptocurrencies, but ended up losing around $100K.

This was very disappointing for him, especially in such a dire time. However, he did not let frustration get in his way.

His turning point came when he joined a top-tier investor mastermind group. That’s when he realized the fact that success does not come from investing in the right vehicles, but from investing in the right people.    

However, those traders were not interested in letting Aaron join their private network because his net worth was nowhere close to their expectation, which was at least $5000K.

Aaron was not the type to give up so easily. This time, he focused on creating genuine relationships with those professionals. He shared his story of struggles and why he was so eager to reach his goals.

This approach eventually paid off and he was allowed to trade with their bots after a few months of convincing.

Aaron was careful this time. He began with small amounts to see it the program really worked.

When he saw the expected returns, only then he went full in.

Nowadays, he is making around $25K per month with Private Trading Networks.

How It Works

First you have to talk with our passive income consultants and explain why you want to join our community.

If you are allowed, you will be asked to choose one of our packages.

Then we will set up a zoom meeting and guide you on creating an account with one or more of our regulated brokers, and then funding it through wire transfer.

The whole process takes less than 30 minutes.

You won’t have anything else to do then, other than checking your account every once in a while to check our trading performance and your profits rolling in.  

Usually, you will earn your first profits within 30 days of creating the account.

As there is no lock-in period, you are free to continue investing or withdraw your capital and profits any time you want.

Since the broker and the designated traders perform all the trading activities, we do not have access to your funds. 

What Exactly Is a PAMM Account?

PAMM stands for percentage allocation management module, where capitals from a few investors are pooled together and allocated to our traders to execute trades on their behalf. 

Here is a simple example for your better understanding: 

Let’s say four investors named John, Denice, Tommy, and Jane each contributed $10,000, creating a pool of $40,000 for the traders to invest.

After a month, the traders make a 10% profit, which equals to $4000. After the traders keep their 20% fee ($800), the rest $3,200 is equally provided to each investor, which is $800.

The formula is: Your Capital x Monthly Return x 80% = Your Profit

What Makes Our Passive Income Strategy So Effective?

What Does It Look Like in Real Life

The answer to this question is simple – it is totally passive and it works great.

If you have some idea about passive income strategies, you surely know there is no lack of similar trading bots, some of which are promising better results than us.

These programs may work for some time, but they miserably fail without manual inputs from industry experts, especially when the market fluctuations go out of hand.  

So, how does that happen?

All the financial markets in the world are rigged in favor of the big fish in the game, such as banks, hedge funds, credit unions, and billionaire investors.  

When they make their moves, the market goes against small investors and those AI bots fail to profit from this volatility.

The result? Their clients lose all of their investments in a matter of a few days.

What makes things worse is that these programs prefer the martingale strategy. This is when they keep doubling down on their losing treads with the hope that the market will bounce back to their favour pretty soon.

However, the market does not move according to one’s wishes.

We protect our client funds with the grid strategy since we never have to depend on market predictions. We strategically execute buy and sell orders at regular intervals so we can capitalize on opportunities in both range-bound and volatile conditions.

What’s more, when the market has any signs of a downturn, our traders simply stop executing trades for the time being and prevent possible losses.

Another strategy is that our client funds are distributed not to a single trader, but to several traders where each one of them comes with their own trading techniques and risk tolerance preferences.   

To give you some idea, some have a bold approach and opt for unconventional tactics to generate crazy returns, while others are moderate and happy with playing it safe. 

Our sequential approach also works wonders.

It is important to remember that any bot that wins at all times is bound to be a scam.

We never boast a 100% success rate. Instead, around 30% of our investments go into taking small trades, which we call micro-trades just to see how they perform in different market conditions before we commit to larger trades.

Any successful trader knows that Forex trading is not about making large profits every day, but consistently managing risk, maintaining discipline, and building steady gains over time through a well-executed strategy.  

Why Aaron Founded Kingsley Capital

From Aaron’s passive income success story, you know he was already doing well for himself and getting closer to his goals every day.

He could live that way, but would not find peace and happiness even with all that money. This was because Aaron was raised in a Christian home where he was taught to share his blessings with others.

He began thinking how he could allow others to join this incredible passive income stream, while mutually benefiting each other for the greater good.

Since Aaron’s passive income journey was full of ups and downs, he wanted to create a vibrant community of like-minded people; i.e., every day, honest, hard working people looking for ways to support their families and improve their lives. 

However, it is important to mention that not everyone is welcomed to join KC, even if they have the money to buy our packages. This applies to especially those who think this is a get-rich-quick scheme where they can gamble and make a ridiculous amount of money in no time.

If you have a look at our client testimonials, you will notice that all of our clients have more or less the same backgrounds and a story of struggles when searching for true financial freedom.

In fact, this unity among our members motivates us to do our best while contributing more to our beloved families, friends, and communities.

Summing It Up

When looking for the best ways to make passive income, you should be very cautious.

By now, you know that having a true passive income is a dream come true, which is why so many scammers are eager to take your hard-earned money with emotional marketing tactics and jaw dropping promises.

As passive income consultants, we shared the safest and most reliable options that can help you earn your dream life.

Now, it is up to you to do your diligence and make a choice.

No matter what decision you make, Kingsley Capital will always be by your side to guide you.

Feel free to book a call and ask anything you need to know about your personal finance and passive income.


1. How passive is Kingsley Capital’s passive income stream?

Ans. One of Aaron’s goals was to find a passive income source that was not only profitable but also 100% passive. 

Unlike buying rental properties, which is “semi-passive” because it requires ongoing maintenance, our passive income stream is a totally hands-off experience for you as an investor. 

All you have to do is create and fund your account, and sit and relax because we will then work hard to generate profit for you. 

2. What return can I expect from your passive income stream?

Ans. Since our inception, we have been generating around 60% yearly returns for our clients as well as for ourselves, while traditional financial vehicles like stocks, bonds, and ETFs have an annual return of 10% on average. 

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